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How Do You Measure Progress?

How Do You Measure Progress?

Looking back to see where we’ve been after extraordinary times. Are we heading out the right door? In the past year, what have you fantasized most about that you couldn’t do during the pandemic? Have you developed taste for different...
Dehydration Generation – Who is Most Susceptible?

Dehydration Generation – Who is Most Susceptible?

The sensation of thirst declines with age. Even young children who play outdoors in the heat are often reluctant to stop playing and drink water. In seniors, illness and medications may further reduce thirst or increase urine production. Older adults...
Get a Glute Makeover

Get a Glute Makeover

Glute exercises are excellent for many conditions we experience as seniors. These routines can help reduce back pain, enhance posture, protect knees, improve balance and stabilize hips. These exercises are done on the floor; some using weights or a loop …
Lori Michiel quoted by AARP’s Senior Planet

Lori Michiel quoted by AARP’s Senior Planet

In recognition of National Senior Health and Fitness Day on May 26, Lori was interviewed for the article, “Good News About Senior Fitness”, focusing on the connections between older adults, exercise and mood. The theme of National Senior Health...

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