Helpful websites for senior health, fitness and community
Rides in Sight – Transportation options for seniors and people with disabilities
American Parkinson Disease Association
Davis Phinney Foundation for Parkinson’s – YOU CAN LIVE WELL WITH PARKINSON’S TODAY
People living with Parkinson’s, care partners and families need reliable, practical information that inspires action to improve quality of life today and every day. The Every Victory Counts® manual is the gold standard resource to help you live well with Parkinson’s and achieve your personal wellness goals.
International Council on Active Aging® – this association supports the organizations and professionals who serve the active-aging industry, those that create services for adults over the age of 50.
San Fernando Valley MAPS – Trusted professionals serving the senior population in the San Fernando Valley including assisted living communities, geriatric care managers and home care
SCOPE – Trusted professionals serving the senior population in Ventura County including assisted living communities, geriatric care managers and home care
MAPS Charities – Non-profit organization helping seniors in need in Los Angeles County