We proudly serve families from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach | Connect with Lori | (818) 620-1442 |     
Body Image – Is Food Your Friend or Foe?

Body Image – Is Food Your Friend or Foe?

Holiday treats and food in general can disguise themselves as comforting, but can deprive us of needed sleep, make us temperamental or fat. I am no different than you. I can surrender to the same temptations regarding food, whether it...
Holiday Hug Guide

Holiday Hug Guide

Whether it is Thanksgiving or another holiday, we miss the warmth of a hug. Though it is hard not to hug someone you care about during the pandemic, there are ways to do it right. Hugging doesn’t have to be...
The Fun Factor Brings More Smiles

The Fun Factor Brings More Smiles

This month, I wanted to treat my readers to what a special friend and comedian wanted to share. Roberta Gold, R.T.C., CHP – Laughter for the Health of it – is talented and very wise. I thank her for her...
Boredom is Not an Option

Boredom is Not an Option

By tapping into your creativity it can inspire you to be more inventive. Chances are there have been moments of sheer boredom or a feeling of apathy as our ever-changing world evolves. We repeat the same words, “I’m bored”. “Boredom...

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