We proudly serve families from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach | Connect with Lori | (818) 620-1442 |     

What is your Body Intelligence Score?

Do you have strong body awareness, or are you oblivious to your body’s health? Did you know your body has an intelligence score? If you are ready to honor your body and live fully, Lori Michiel Fitness will get you...

Feeling Hot, but only in Flashes?

After receiving positive feedback for my new menopause page on the Lori Michiel Fitness website, I thought this subject was worth exploring further…so here goes. I started my menopause journey with a big dose of denial. Although every month I...

A Healthy Way to Indulge

You can swear up and down that you won’t overdo it this year, we always plan, but when the dessert, and fattening foods rolls around at your family’s holiday dinner, passing up on the See’s candies or peppermint bark for …

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