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Building a Home Gym for Seniors

Building a Home Gym for Seniors

If you’re missing your trainer or the gym, you’re not alone. Now may be the time to consider purchasing some equipment and creating a safe exercise environment, at home. You might even follow along with our Exercise Snack Videos for...
Can Baby Boomers Avoid the Couch Potato Urge?

Can Baby Boomers Avoid the Couch Potato Urge?

Baby Boomer births began just after World War II ended, and they grew up during the Vietnam War (1965-73). They were shocked when John F. Kennedy (1963) was assassinated, they watched Richard Nixon’s Watergate scandal unravel and can remember the...
Stroke Information and Prevention

Stroke Information and Prevention

Strokes are the fifth leading cause of death and a leading cause of disability in the United States according to American Heart Association. The words STROKE or Cardiovascular Accident (CVA) represent an almost mythical evil beast; one that eschews all...
Beating the Winter “Blahs”

Beating the Winter “Blahs”

While many people are writing about year-end in their blogs and social media, I wanted to shift the conversation to focus on personal feelings. Yes, of course I follow my fellow bloggers, but some of these blogs can bring up...

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