Lori Michiel Fitness Workshop at Focus on Seniors
by Lori Michiel | Mar 8, 2017
Lori Michiel presented "Getting off the Couch Potato Lifestyle—It’s a Balancing Act” workshop to Focus on Seniors February 21 at Cypress Place Senior Living in Ventura. In this fun, participant-driven class, attendees learned moderate to advanced exercise movement...
Lori Featured in Member Spotlight
by Lori Michiel | Jan 17, 2017
Lori Michiel of Lori Michiel Fitness was featured in Medical Fitness Network’s Member Spotlight in January 2017. Highlights of the article include Lori’s inspiration and her vision for the future of the healthcare and fitness industry. Lori tells us, “For the public,...
Lori Michiel Fitness Aqua Fitness Classes
by Lori Michiel | Aug 19, 2016
Lori Michiel Fitness is thrilled to introduce our first Aquatics instructor, Didgie. Aqua Fitness classes from Lori Michiel Fitness are developed for seniors of all abilities, taking into consideration that clients may have one or more disorders such as Parkinson’s,...
Fitness Association Recognizes Lori
by Lori Michiel | Nov 16, 2015
In November 2015, Lori Michiel was chosen for a member spotlight for IDEA Health and Fitness Association’s online magazine: Lori Peppi Michiel | Member Since 2006 | Los Angeles Lori Peppi Michiel is a personal trainer who specializes in training older adults. In the...
Lori’s Interview with HealthZette Online Magazine
by Lori Michiel | Nov 9, 2015
Lori Michiel was interviewed as a senior fitness expert in the online magazine HealthZette. The article, “Lifting for Your Life”, discusses the benefits of personal training for seniors and how weight training may help bone health and diseases like osteoporosis. Click...
Lori’s Live Interview on Huffington Post
by Lori Michiel | Jun 18, 2015
I was delighted to be asked for the second time to appear on Huffington Post Video Network as a fitness expert for seniors. My client, Alice Prewett and I joined host Nancy Redd and guests for a frank discussion about seniors and exercise, “Conquering Gym Fear in...
Lori’s Presentation with TOPS
by Lori Michiel | Apr 27, 2015
On April 8, 2015 Lori Michiel, NASM-CPT Certified Personal Trainer and Fitness Expert presented a lecture to the T.O.P.S. (Team of Older Persons Services) organization in Beverly Hills. The presentation, "Considerations in Personal Training for Aging Adults:...
Lori Michiel On-Air with AirTalk
by Lori Michiel | Jan 15, 2015
Lori Michiel of Lori Michiel Fitness was featured on the January 12, 2015 edition of KPCC-FM’s popular AirTalk with Larry Mantle. Along with other guest, Dr. Laura Mosqueda, Professor of Family Medicine and Geriatrics at USC, the segment, “Senior Fitness: Keeping the...
Lori to Give a Presentation About Her Proven Method Designed to Fight Parkinson’s Disease
by Lori Michiel | Sep 15, 2014
Join Lori Michiel on September 18th for a presentation about her revolutionary method to combat the symptoms of Parkinson’s disease to a wonderful support group lead by John Mason, President/Owner of Brightstar Care, home care and medical staffing.
Interview with Massage Envy magazine
by Lori Michiel | Jul 1, 2014
What an honor it was to be asked to contribute to Massage Envy Magazine. I first heard about Massage Envy, Inc. when I became a certified Arthritis Instructor. While doing some fundraising, I learned they were donating half of their proceeds collected from massages...
Lori shares her wisdom about Staying Fit After Sixty on HuffPost Live
by Lori Michiel | Jan 31, 2014
Lori was interviewed with Wendy Ida, Life Reinvention Strategist and Robert Durbin, Rock Hard Grandpa. In the segment, “How To Stay In Great Shape When You’re Over 60”. Originally aired on January 29, 2014, Lori discusses the value of a thorough pre-training...
Lori to Speak about Staying Motivated at a Council on Aging Event
by Lori Michiel | Sep 15, 2013
Lori Michiel has been invited to speak at the Thousand Oaks' Council on Aging's Healthy Brain, Healthy Body, Healthy Spirit event on Monday, September 16th, at 4:00 pm. She will present on “How to Stay Motivated, Why Bother Exercising” as part of their monthly...
Kind Words from our Clients
Rene Russo
Your fitness program has really helped my mom!! I saw her this week and she is stronger and her balance has really improved. She got up from her chair so much easier!!!
Best news, she's very happy that she started working out and she adores Sam and Rita.She actually looks forward to it.
It's great to have a job that makes a difference in people’s lives. What a blessing you have been to all of us. Thank you so so much for all you do.
Best wishes to you for a beautiful new year.
Rene Russo, Actor
Rene Russo, Actor
- Tammy
Beth Trainer
- Beth (from Facebook Reviews)
Barb Weitzberg
– Barb Weitzberg
Thanks for all of your support and understanding. As I said on the phone, you are terrific!
Best wishes,
Julie Pearlman Snyder
- Julie Pearlman Snyder (from Facebook Reviews)
Cameron Edward Benton
- Cameron Edward Benton
As a Personal Trainer, I appreciate that you trust my skills and give me the freedom to create the best personalized training programs for our clients. Since you too are an excellent Personal Trainer, and stay up-to-date with current trends and fitness education, we're able to collaborate to determine the best approach for our clients. It's a great working team! Thank you for the opportunity to work with you.
- Sherri
Miriam Brauner
Now I can walk better. Also before I was going up the stairs one step at the time. Now I can go up and down by holding from both rails without a problem. I can go up 120 steps and more.
I continue doing all the exercises and they have given me more strength in all my body.
There aren't any words to say how much Lori and her trainer, therapist changed my life forever. Until today, I do the exercises they taught me.
I will thank them forever.
They changed my life. They can change your life too.
- Miriam Brauner
Sam Strain – Trainer
Customer care is of the utmost concern to her. She is very knowledgeable about personal training and the workings of the functional human body from a bio-mechanical point of view. She is compassionate about all her clients as they all get her personal touch.
I would feel most comfortable recommending her to anyone that is in need of her services.
Samuel Strain II NASM/CES
Ann (Maine)
-Ann (Maine)
After my mom’s strokes, we knew we needed to help her become active and improve her balance. She didn’t have a good habit of any exercise and none of the local senior classes were appropriate for her.
I’m so glad we called Lori Michiel Fitness. Lori came to the house, met with my mom, listened to her needs, took a careful medical history and matched her with a trainer. He is a wonderful trainer who comes to the house three times a week to help support mom’s recovery. The trainer really understands senior fitness. He gives the whole family peace of mind that we are doing what we can to prevent another fall and keep mom active. Lori checks in with us regularly to make sure the therapy continues to be appropriate for mom. We’re very grateful to her.
- Rebecca, San Marino
We are grateful for your help in getting her to this place and sustaining it.
- Mary-Austin
Eileen ED PRO
I just wanted to send the biggest thank you for joining us at The Variel. You put on such an excellent class and I know our contact at The Variel was really impressed.
I can't say enough good things about your class. You were knowledgeable, engaging, and FUN! I've worked with a number of fitness instructors over the years -- some are good and some are standout, and you quickly revealed yourself to be standout.
I look forward to working with you again in the future, and thanks for donating your time to our special community this past Saturday.
Eileen, Executive Director Parkinson's Resource Organization
Julia Nelson
- Julia Nelson, CA Licensed Professional Fiduciary
- Kimberly, Personal Assistant
Dr. Kaloostian
- Dr. Kaloostian
- Ethel
My mom is doing very well. She’s getting back into her ceramics studio and making more stuff and seeing her friends.
- Rico
- Bryan
Jill M. Brink
- Jill M. Brink, Ph.D, Geriatric Care Management, Aging Interventions
- Jill M. Brink, Ph.D, Geriatric Care Management, Aging Interventions
Debbi, Trainer
- Debbi, Trainer with Lori Michiel Fitness
- Scott
Thank you so much for your awesome presentation at Senior Congress! Your passion for what you do was clear and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it! We so appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedule to join us and share your insight with our attendees.
With gratitude,
Sheri L.
- Sheri L.
- Sheri L.
Thank you so much for your patience, persistence and passion in serving clients like my mother. You and Kim are amazing.
Blessings, Grace
Charles Savinar
- Charles Savinar
I am glad that you had the chance to see how I have prospered under the tutelage of your trainer. She has been such a genuine part of my recovery and has become a wonderful friend.
To the both of you, I say take a bow for a job well done.
Love ❤️
Lori's principles of dynamic stretching revolutionized the way I approach stretching. I've seen a great increase in flexibility and have even built additional strength using her techniques.
- Mary
- Mary
Thank you! Linda is proof that the right medication plus the right exercise can create miracles!
- B
Jersey John
You're can pivot in a moment's flash... if you could bottle that productivity and sell it to seniors you could buy California, despite the fact that you already help many people and make their lives better!! Stay YOU!!!
Love, Jersey John
– Rolanda
– Rolanda
- Tristan
- Rebecca