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“Wherever you are, be there.”

A guest Blog by Kristen.M : Sitting in a breakfast nook with my client, Dan, who suffers from dementia, I couldn’t get this old piece of motivational wisdom out of my head. “Wherever you are . . .” Dan is...

Fitness Fibs

What an honor it was to be asked to contribute to Massage Envy Magazine. I first heard about Massage Envy, Inc. when I became a certified Arthritis Instructor. While doing some fundraising, I learned they were donating half of their...

The Power of Patience

Patience: It’s difficult to have and preserve. Don’t even get me started on traffic, or the lines at Starbucks. We all deal with the art of waiting the best we can. What I do notice is that I find myself...


Food Food Food Vibrations (sung to the tune of Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys) Our bodies are energy, vibrating at different levels of speed; foods also have vibrational frequencies. The kinds of foods that vibrate at higher levels are...

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