We proudly serve families from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach | Connect with Lori | (818) 620-1442 |     
Lifting Restrictions We Put on Ourselves

Lifting Restrictions We Put on Ourselves

Loosen your own rules, because a light attitude is the right attitude. I have been asked about authoring a book. A book??? The first thought that entered my head was, how could I do it? Then at 2:45 a.m. one...
We Have Good Reason to be Thankful…Still

We Have Good Reason to be Thankful…Still

What has made a difference to you this year? I always thought of Thanksgiving as my favorite holiday. Back in the 1980s, the est training, created by the charismatic Werner Erhard, was both very controversial and popular for those seeking...
Don’t Stop: Breathe and Press Pause

Don’t Stop: Breathe and Press Pause

Life is demanding and it’s easy to get swept up by speed. To curb feelings of being wired, tired, depleted or depressed, we need to start with simple awareness. First, notice your “tells”: those aches and pains in your neck,...
How Do You Measure Progress?

How Do You Measure Progress?

Looking back to see where we’ve been after extraordinary times. Are we heading out the right door? In the past year, what have you fantasized most about that you couldn’t do during the pandemic? Have you developed taste for different...

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