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Improving Your Brain Health with Fun Exercises

Improving Your Brain Health with Fun Exercises

July 22 recognizes World Brain Day. The research is conclusive. Combining physical activity and cognitive exercises helps to rewire your brain. Incorporating some new and different styles of exercise will improve brain health. When disease or injury robs the brain...
National Safety Month – Back to Basics

National Safety Month – Back to Basics

Senior fitness research supports a specific exercise program for older adults and seniors. It has been almost 17 years since I became a fitness trainer. When I first began my practice, I was concerned that my clients would find out...
What Brings You Peace of Mind?

What Brings You Peace of Mind?

Your thoughts can run in your head like a broken record–or can you sit still and “hear” the quiet? Is there an activity, exercise, religious or meditation practice you do regularly to slow your mind? Or do you take medications...
Terms to Take to Heart❤️

Terms to Take to Heart❤️

In recognition of National Heart Month, if you are not familiar with these terms, here’s a quick and easy guide. Every six months I get my blood work checked. The numbers that I watch carefully are those described below. Since...

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