We proudly serve families from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach | Connect with Lori | (818) 620-1442 |     

A New You in 2012

Did you make any resolutions to begin the New Year? If so, I doubt very much that retaining muscle was one of them…but it should be, especially if you’re over 50. Sarcopenia, which comes from the Greek word meaning “poverty …

Are You Dehydrated?

Despite the fact that almost everyone is aware of the importance hydration has to overall health, you might be surprised to discover how many people—maybe even you—are dehydrated. Is this a big deal? It can be, and it’s something that …

Welcome to the new Website!

Welcome to my website and blog! I hope this is the first of many regular visits. Those of you who know me are aware that I never do anything without a strong purpose, so I want to take this opportunity …
Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes

Step Out: Walk to Stop Diabetes

I am passionate about helping to rid the planet of any chronic disease that affects our quality of life. Supporting the end of diabetes is one of those on my top-ten list. This dreaded disease kills 26 million Americans a...

Lori Michiel on University Village’s Blog

Bea Brookstone, a resident at University Village in Thousand Oaks, was on the ‘Resident’s Corner’ blog, and she mentions participating in our class. She notes, “I particularly enjoy Gentle Yoga, Water Aerobics, Tai Chi and [Lori Michiel]...

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