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What? Another Christmas Blog?

What? Another Christmas Blog?

Of course I follow my fellow bloggers. Each month they also choose a specific theme, pertaining to the time of year, information circulating in the media and social media sites. They publish travel logs and blogs about health, politics, the...
Exercise modifications for Older Adults Part II

Exercise modifications for Older Adults Part II

An effective trainer wears many hats — friend, teacher, motivator and disciplinarian. Does your trainer meet these criteria? Last month you read about modifications and equipment to consider before venturing into a exercise class you have never tried before....
Exercise modifications for Older Adults Part I

Exercise modifications for Older Adults Part I

An effective trainer wears many hats — friend, teacher, motivator and disciplinarian. Does your trainer meet these criteria? “The less you do, the worse you feel, and the less you get out of life”, states Michael Gordon, MD, professor at...
Put the Squeeze on Joint Pain

Put the Squeeze on Joint Pain

Stay active – isometric exercises can help, even during painful flares When I wake up some mornings, I can feel my hip or knee starting to talk to me; and the conversation doesn’t go very well. Of course the voice …
Your Genetic Blueprint

Your Genetic Blueprint

I was never quite sure if, genetically, I am built like my mom, dad or their siblings. When I had a weight problem in high school, I was told I was built just like my Aunt Millie, a little zaftig...

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