If you find you’re not motivated to keep going because you’re not losing weight fast enough, feel lethargic, or your resilience is waning, I have a challenge for you.
Motivation requires a behavior shift. Something becomes more important (future view) than our present state of mind. In my case, as a teenager, I felt as if my body belonged to someone else. I was miserable and ashamed, and my self-esteem dropped to an all-time low because I saw the reality when I got on my doctor’s scale in preparation for my college physical. Days later, I made a conscious choice to start moving more and eating right. That decision has carried me into my senior years.
As I got older, I continued to exercise. Although I received news that my blood work showed a jump in my cholesterol, I developed osteopenia (precursor to osteoporosis) and osteoarthritis in my hip, I didn’t feel discouraged. Instead, it motivated me to take action by improving my diet and learning the right exercises to improve my conditions by strengthening my body and reducing inflammation, which causes pain. At 67 nothing stops me from feeling my energetic best.
Take some time to answer the questions below and figure out what you think about exercise. What are your fears? How can you make your workouts sustainable and appealing?
1. Name three benefits you get from exercise that have nothing to do with weight loss.
Ex. I feel proud of myself after finishing my workout.
2. Name three things you like about exercise.
Ex. It’s the only time I can devote to just me.
3. Name three things that could make exercise more enjoyable.
Ex. Do more exercises outdoors.
4. Describe your favorite exercise and why you like it.
Ex. I like stretching because it makes me feel more flexible and younger.
5. Name your biggest obstacle to exercising.
Ex. After sitting so long during the height of COVID, I am afraid of getting injured.
6. Name some of the consequences of NOT exercising.
Ex. I will feel tired and lazy.
If you answered these questions, did you learn anything new about yourself? Write out your answers and make a copy to read over–and add to the list until you feel you’re ready to change your attitude toward exercise. Most importantly, when you start, don’t give up. We all quit from time to time; the trick is to keep going anyway. Remain resilient.
If you are a senior, or feel as if you are, I can help design a specific exercise program for you at home. We specialize in arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, post stroke, balance, mobility, menopause, pre- and post-rehab. You can contact me at 818-620-1442 or visit our Facebook page, LinkedIn or follow our exercises on YouTube for important research and fitness updates.