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Exercise Snack Videos Old

Exercise Snack Videos We have great videos for you to watch and share on topics such as stretching, boosting your range of motion, strengthening your body, techniques to reduce pain, and some surprises along the way to feel fit and youthful. Please subscribe to my...
Exercise modifications for Older Adults Part I

Exercise modifications for Older Adults Part I

An effective trainer wears many hats — friend, teacher, motivator and disciplinarian. Does your trainer meet these criteria? “The less you do, the worse you feel, and the less you get out of life”, states Michael Gordon, MD, professor at...
Put the Squeeze on Joint Pain

Put the Squeeze on Joint Pain

Stay active – isometric exercises can help, even during painful flares When I wake up some mornings, I can feel my hip or knee starting to talk to me; and the conversation doesn’t go very well. Of course the voice …

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