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The Beat Continues

The great beats, rhythms, and fast tempos of pop tunes and musical theatre can rev up both our body and mind. Conversely, there are the peaceful rhythms that can settle our senses and calm our nerves. I personally listen to...

Medicine Cabinets Must-Have, NOTs: The Simple Sixes

Occasionally Lori Michiel Fitness invites guest bloggers to write on subjects related to active adults, senior fitness and healthcare.  Enjoy! By: Dr. Kandace L. West Pharmacist Integrative Healthcare, INC. www.MedCarePharmacist.com info@MedCarePharmacist.com People...

And the Beat Goes On…

During my most recent trip in June to New York City, I had the chance to remember the good feelings that arise when I see a Broadway show. While there, I saw four shows in total, and was reminded that...

What’s on Your Workout Playlist?

Did you know that listening to music during a workout plays an important role in your fitness success? All things musical have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. Before universities began offering Music...

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