We proudly serve families from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach | Connect with Lori | (818) 620-1442 |     
Balancing The Inner Me

Balancing The Inner Me

For as long as I can remember, I have been drawn to activities such as yoga that require excellent posture, balance and fall prevention. As a fitness instructor and an active adult myself, no other exercise has quite the same...
Give It Your Best Stretch

Give It Your Best Stretch

Most of us rarely stretch, until we absolutely feel the need in our bodies. However, as I mentioned in a previous post, stretching daily has many health benefits; and your body will thank you, if you put a little more …

Massage for Seniors

Occasionally Lori Michiel Fitness invites guest bloggers to write on subjects related to active adults, senior fitness and healthcare.  Enjoy! By: Frank Nielson Frank is a retired medical researcher who now spends his days writing. Through this writing, he is...

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