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Emotional Flexibility – How Do You Heal?

Emotional Flexibility – How Do You Heal?

If you are sidelined by an illness, injury or surgery, use these strategies to feel better and heal faster. In April, we recognize National Stress Awareness Month. One of the biggest stressors can be postponing your regular routines while...
What? No Butts after 50?

What? No Butts after 50?

Ever notice your rear-end drops lower and gets flatter with every passing year? Building gluteal muscles is not always about esthetics, it can be, but here are other ideas why it is important to have a firm tush. Squats and...
Find Your Sunshine Even in Winter

Find Your Sunshine Even in Winter

We have to age, but we don’t have to get old: a recipe for six mood boosters to brighten bumpy days. When my friend, Joan, was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) 10 years ago, her daughter gave her a jar...

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