There are many reasons to embark on an exercise program, especially as you get older, but one of the most underrated is to maintain flexibility. It’s no secret that as our bodies age, they seem stiffer and not able to move as easily as they once did. That’s a normal part of the aging process…but there’s no reason to just let it happen, when a simple stretching program can be the answer to regaining and maintaining elasticity.
No matter how old you are, you can stretch. It’s a good idea to make stretching a part of your daily routine, whether or not you’re also exercising. While you can certainly dedicate specific time to stretch, you can also incorporate simple stretches into activities like watching TV, using the computer or preparing for bed. You may be surprised at how a little stretching each day can help lengthen your muscles and enhance your ability to do things like zip up a dress or reach a high shelf.
When you stretch on a regular basis, you’ll increase your joints’ range of motion, help prevent injury and soreness, and even improve your posture. You may also find you sleep better, your stress level is decreased, and you have more energy. You’ll get all those benefits from merely incorporating a stretching program into your life.
You can vary up your stretching routine by including two different types of movement. Static stretching involves holding a position for a certain number of seconds (5-20) before releasing when your body’s warmed up, while dynamic stretching, which can be done when you first get out of bed, involves holding a position for less time (5-7 seconds) and repeating the move more often.
You should avoid stretching beyond your comfort level. It’s normal to feel a slight pull when you stretch, but as you repeat the movement, it will get easier. Contact us for some fun and easy stretches and more.