Rich S., Teacher
- Rich S., Teacher
by Lori Michiel | Nov 5, 2014
- Rich S., Teacher
- Rich S., Teacher
Rene Russo, Actor
Rene Russo, Actor
- Tammy
- Beth (from Facebook Reviews)
– Barb Weitzberg
Thanks for all of your support and understanding. As I said on the phone, you are terrific!
Best wishes,
- Julie Pearlman Snyder (from Facebook Reviews)
- Cameron Edward Benton
- Sherri
- Miriam Brauner
Samuel Strain II NASM/CES
-Ann (Maine)
After my mom’s strokes, we knew we needed to help her become active and improve her balance. She didn’t have a good habit of any exercise and none of the local senior classes were appropriate for her.
I’m so glad we called Lori Michiel Fitness. Lori came to the house, met with my mom, listened to her needs, took a careful medical history and matched her with a trainer. He is a wonderful trainer who comes to the house three times a week to help support mom’s recovery. The trainer really understands senior fitness. He gives the whole family peace of mind that we are doing what we can to prevent another fall and keep mom active. Lori checks in with us regularly to make sure the therapy continues to be appropriate for mom. We’re very grateful to her.
- Rebecca, San Marino
- Mary-Austin
I just wanted to send the biggest thank you for joining us at The Variel. You put on such an excellent class and I know our contact at The Variel was really impressed.
Eileen, Executive Director Parkinson's Resource Organization
- Julia Nelson, CA Licensed Professional Fiduciary
- Kimberly, Personal Assistant
- Dr. Kaloostian
- Ethel
- Rico
- Bryan
- Jill M. Brink, Ph.D, Geriatric Care Management, Aging Interventions
- Jill M. Brink, Ph.D, Geriatric Care Management, Aging Interventions
- Debbi, Trainer with Lori Michiel Fitness
- Scott
Thank you so much for your awesome presentation at Senior Congress! Your passion for what you do was clear and everyone thoroughly enjoyed it! We so appreciate the time you took out of your busy schedule to join us and share your insight with our attendees.
With gratitude,
- Sheri L.
- Sheri L.
- Charles Savinar
I am glad that you had the chance to see how I have prospered under the tutelage of your trainer. She has been such a genuine part of my recovery and has become a wonderful friend.
To the both of you, I say take a bow for a job well done.
Love ❤️
- Mary
- Mary
Thank you! Linda is proof that the right medication plus the right exercise can create miracles!
- B
You're can pivot in a moment's flash... if you could bottle that productivity and sell it to seniors you could buy California, despite the fact that you already help many people and make their lives better!! Stay YOU!!!
Love, Jersey John
– Rolanda
– Rolanda
- Tristan
- Rebecca