If we reach an unhealthy time in our lives, then getting out of that predicament can be a much harder task than the circumstances that led us to it.
Whether the person is overweight or having a hard time coping with a newly diagnosed medical condition, many people look to a professional personal trainer as their guide to help them leap over the hurdles that have been placed before them. But what happens when you just don’t feel like working out or the prospect of putting your body through exercises (which can often be uncomfortable) just does not seem worth it- regardless of the multiple rewards that wait for you after working out?
That’s when a coach or a mentor can help motivate you. And a certified personal fitness trainer often fills in those roles, even though the exact words “life mentor” may not be a part of their job description or even listed on their resumes.
Let’s say your mind is elsewhere than on the task at hand-lifting those dumbbells. You’re thinking about how disappointed you were at your last physician’s report or you just can’t wait to go shopping later in the day, a trainer can bring you back to the task at hand and make sure you’re doing it right.
You see, having a trainer is not just about instructing methods (introducing exercises and making sure those moves are done correctly and with good form)- a trainer is also about motivation! A good trainer will know how to properly motivate their clients to get past those little psychological hurdles we all face and get down to the business at hand – working out!
Whether it’s verbalizing the proper corrective exercise cueing or demonstrating the technique itself (multiple times if needed)- having a good personal trainer provides a distinct advantage over the exercise initiate who chooses their techniques based on a magazine article and dares to go into a big box-style gym alone with only the mirror as his guide. Many new gym members learn their technique simply by trial and error. That is, they buy gym memberships, wander in and just follow other people- mimicking the exercises they choose as equipment becomes available.
Others choose the late night info-commercial route- investing money in a less-than-reliable product hoping that it will provide all the solutions to their fitness and health problems. These gadgets can be found curbside within a few months or relegated to that dusty corner of your garage or storage unit for years- simply because they are gimmicks and do not work.
But going to a certified personal fitness trainer can help you avoid those common pitfalls in the first place and help you reach your goals faster and avoid injuries in the process. A good trainer will combine methods, motivation and time into a working relationship that is well worth the cost and will more than pay off in reaching your health and fitness goals.
To learn more about Lori Michiel Fitness services, or presentations available to your organization or The Lori Method train the trainer course, you’ll find more information on our website at www.LoriMichielFitness.com or you may email us or call us at 818-620-1442.