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  • Have you ever given a presentation or lecture to a networking   group or conference?
  • Do you research the industry sector, in order to prepare for your presentation?
  • Do you know what your audience expects of you?
  • Are you a storyteller?
  • Are you engaging and animated when you speak?
  • Do you use creative imagery to get your point across?
  • If you need to do doing something physical (exercise-related), do you understand your audience’s limitations?

I had an experience the other day that inspired me to blog about this very subject. I went to the gym to take one of my favorite classes. Unfortunately, our regular instructor was away and she brought in a substitute. My first thought was: “Oh no, I really was in the mood for Kim.” I was anxious to get back to working out after a brief illness. I wasn’t in the mood for a stranger to run the class. I hadn’t even heard her name mentioned around the gym. My first impression of her wasn’t great. It had nothing to do with her age (about 30), the fact that her music was loud and repetitive, her voice was weak or that her cueing was poor. I wanted to be fair and give her a chance, because I know that it’s hard subbing for a well-established trainer. I could have left and worked out in my home gym, but I figured since I was already there, I’d stay.

The members in the class ranged in age from mid 40’s to late 60’s. I kept thinking that if the instructor was more prepared, the members (including me) would have had a great workout and been less frustrated. Instead, half the class left after just 10 minutes into the routine. It didn’t have to be that way. I must say it wasn’t a total loss, because I did learn a few new moves I could teach my younger clients (ages 59-73), but I realized we could have all had a better experience, if she was more prepared.
The lesson, “know your audience” applies to any presentation lecture or performance. Never confuse your pleasant disposition or enthusiasm with skill.

To learn more about Lori Michiel Fitness services, presentations available to your organization or The Lori Method train the trainer course, contact us at www.lorimichielfitness.com or call us at 818-620-1442.

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