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Holiday volunteering for seniorsGive of yourself this year and see what gratifying results come to you.

I envy people who volunteer during the holidays. I do what I can to make a difference because I was raised to help those less fortunate than me. It might sound cliché, but it is true.  Last year, I planned to “Adopt a Senior” and it never came to fruition. Somehow my request never reached the host organization. This year is different. I received the paperwork on my 68-year-old woman, a stroke victim who used to work as a massage therapist and reflexologist. Ms. J needs a host of things because she is unable to drive, do laundry and other household chores. In her free time Ms. J enjoys meditation, reading and aromatherapy. She needs everything from Clorox wipes to aromatherapy oils. Having her profile sent to me was a match made in heaven! Rather than pick and choose what to buy her, I decided to buy it ALL! This is the most fun I’ve had shopping in a long time.

We hold the power to heal and have a real impact on people around us. This is why volunteering and giving of ourselves, in ways we never imagined, is medicine for the soul. Stress levels go down, and we can heal faster. Our mind is calmer because we are taking care of others.

Find a way to give of yourself, as you have been doing or figure out a new way to give back to the people in your community. Do it not because it’s nice, but because it’s good for you—and everyone.  Seniors do it for me.

Thanks for being part of my life.  Happy holidays to all. Looking forward to inspiring you again in new ways in 2018.

Warmest regards,

Lori Peppi Michiel, NASM-CPT


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