Think…What are you grateful for?
I open Facebook almost daily. I particularly enjoy reading my friend’s post followed by what she is grateful for that day. I am thankful to receive these reminders, just when I think I’m not doing enough and can’t go fast enough to do it. “It doesn’t matter how slowly you go, so long as you do not stop.” – Confucius; or “today I am grateful for inspiration”.
Grateful. That’s how I feel about life these days. Perhaps some people are desensitized and take things for granted, or rarely feel at peace with what comes their way. Then there are some who, even in the face of adversity, can see beyond the limits of what is laid before them. For instance, I was inspired after reading an article about a yoga instructor and breast cancer survivor. You can sense that the student who wrote the article has the utmost respect and love for her teacher. She sees her courage and determination and “the ability to see beyond the limits of what others can…” For me, the article was a lesson in “soulgifting”, and it touched me.
Soulgifting is a word I created to suggest a person who keeps giving of themselves unconditionally. Giving without pre-judging someone can be quite powerful.
I am grateful for countless things. Each day, upon waking, I recite a self-confidence formula out loud. Written by Dale Carnegie in 1939, these words of inspiration, aka autosuggestions, are intended as an “outward physical action and gradually transform themselves into physical reality”. As a result, miracles happen, which makes me stronger in the face of adversity that comes along as part of life.
What are you grateful for in your life? It can be small…and how inspired does this make you feel? Do you aim to be more physical and vital? Does inactivity dull your senses? Don’t wait until it is too late!
My team and I have been helping our clients remain strong and independent since 2006. If you feel that someone you care about would benefit, please share this information. You can call for an assessment or just a conversation at 818-620-1442 or email us. We see fitness differently!