Why stretch when you feel you’ve already had enough exercise for one day? Stretching takes time, and who has the time to do anything more that won’t help you look better…right? Well, not quite.
For years I have yearned for nothing more than a class in stretching at my local gym. I love yoga, but sometimes I miss out because holding certain poses fatigues my legs. There’s a good chance I have felt this way because I hadn’t stretched enough after my workout the day before, or the day of my yoga practice. I have been guilty of not stretching too: Rushing out to see a client, without taking the time to practice what I preach. That has all changed.
Here’s my take on stretching and flexibility: I like knowing that stretching warms and cools down my muscles before and after my workout so that I may reduce my risk of injury. Being flexible keeps my muscles and ligaments elastic – especially important because I know that tight muscles can cause chronic pain. I am now able to visualize my muscles lengthening; making it easier to move. With stretching, I can effortlessly bend down and get into those hard to reach places: When gardening, washing my car, or simply going into my closet to find a pair of shoes.
Yoga guru Janiss Garza says, “It is a cardinal fitness sin to skip stretching after a workout. If you want to promote stiffness, invite injury and lengthen your recovery time, you can do all that by not stretching the moment you finish your exercise routine and just head right back to your desk or the couch.”
We know some people never stretch outside of the seventh inning of a baseball game. However, if you don’t take just 10 minutes to stretch after your exercise session, it may be too little, too late, and you strike out. The benefits of stretching are many and have been proven through numerous studies over time as an invaluable part of any exercise or rehabilitation program. Stretching helps your body work more efficiently (who wouldn’t want more of that?), speeding up the results of any workout…right off the bat.
For more rejuvenating tips and fitness information for people of all ages including active adults, former athletes and seniors, call Lori Michiel Fitness at 818-620-1442 or email us through this contact form.
Look out for next month’s blog post to discover which stretching techniques are right for you and your body.