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Most of us rarely stretch, until we absolutely feel the need in our bodies. However, as I mentioned in a previous post, stretching daily has many health benefits; and your body will thank you, if you put a little more time everyday and give it your best stretch! To make it easier for you, I put together quick instructions to do some simple stretches that can be practiced daily:

*A word of caution – do not stretch cold muscles.  For instance, if you love stretching in the morning, give yourself time to move around the house a bit first.  Stretching muscles that are cold and stiff can result in injury. 


These exercises can be performed standing, sitting, on the floor or bed.
Disclaimer: The exercises included here do not replace or substitute a therapeutic exercise program. Use caution.

As a Certified Arthritis Foundation Instructor, I recommend that you:

  • Listen to your body – pain is a warning
  • Move your joints just until you feel a gentle stretch
  • Combine breathing with stretches
  • Begin slowly with just a few repetitions, gradually adding more over time

Hold the stretch for a few seconds, or until you feel a slight pull in your muscles. Then, repeat 4 to 5 times; and gradually increase hold-time to 10 -20 seconds, as you get closer to the 4th or 5th set.
Level of Difficulty: On an intensity scale of 1 -10, be sure you feel only slight discomfort.

Upper Body

Neck Rotation:

  1. photo 2Stand or sit comfortably, with shoulders down and relaxed.
  2. Begin by gently rotating your head to the left. (Your chin should not extend beyond your left shoulder)
  3. Inhale and exhale deeply, while holding your head to the side for 4-5 seconds.
  4. Return head to center and repeat with right side.
  5. Repeat stretch 3 to 5 times on each side.

As another option, you can turn your head to the left or right, look slightly down (tilt) by angling your chin toward your chest; then, bring your head up slowly and return to center.

Shoulder Rolls:

  1. Beginning with both shoulders relaxed.
  2. Lift them up slightly, and around towards the front.
  3. Reverse the move going up, back and downward.
  4. Repeat 3x each.  Think of a circle with each rotation.

 Lower Body

photo 1Standing Hamstring Stretch:

  1. Stand with your back in straight alignment, holding onto a stable surface for safety.
  2. Slowly raise your right leg and rest it on a step or slightly elevated surface, all the while slightly bending your back leg so your knees are not locked (it’s my style, some people keep that back leg straight).
  3. Keep your heal on the surface and point your toes up towards the ceiling.  Hold for 4-5 seconds, and repeat 4-5 times with the opposite leg.

Standing Calf and Achilles Stretch:

  1. photo 3Again holding onto a stable surface or stair banister, stand on an elevated step (stair step or other) with both feet.
  2. Beginning with the right foot, allow the back part of your heel to hang off the step, gently letting your heel push toward the lower step.
  3.  Slowly, while slightly bending your left knee and keeping your right leg straight (but not locked), dip your right heel down toward the lower step below, and come back up slowly.
  4.  Repeat on the left. Hold each heel’s stretch for 4-5 seconds, and repeat 4-5 times.

Hip and Gluteal Stretch:photo 3

Modified version

  1. Sit in a stable chair.
  2. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee, and push the opposite foot into the floor, as you feel a slight pull in the outer glut and hip.
  3. Hold for 4-5 seconds, and repeat 3 times, then switch legs

Progressive version

  1. Stand holding onto a firm surface
    photo 2
  2. Again, cross one ankle foot over the opposite leg right above the knee.
  3. Sit into the stretch gently until you feel a slight pull in the outer glut and hip.
  4. Hold for 4-5 seconds, and repeat 3 times on each hip.


Hip Flexor Stretch:

  1. photo 4Stand by a stable surface.
  2. Step one leg back, keeping each foot facing forward (with as little turn-out as possible).
  3. Bend the front knee slightly while keeping the back leg straight, until you feel a slight stretch in front of the back front hip. TUCK your tailbone under (slightly squeeze your gluts) to get the most from this stretch.
  4. Hold for 4-5 seconds. Be careful when changing positions. Repeat with the other leg.


 Back Stretch

Slouch Stretch/Cat Camel:

Modified version

  1. Sit comfortably in a straight-backed chair.photo 1
  2. Slouch (round) your body forward (you can pretend someone is punching you in the tummy) while bringing your chin to your chest as you round.
  3. Sit up slowly (neutral), and to over correct, sit up straight and slightly squeeze your shoulder blades together and down, pulling your abs in to protect your back.
  4. Hold each position for 4-5 seconds, and repeat 3 times.

Progressive version

  1. photo 4Get down on the floor on your hands and knees. Your wrists should be placed in line with (directly under) your shoulders, and your knees should be in line with your hips.
  2. Perform the same exercise as in the modified version above, except on the floor.



Remember, spending only a few minutes everyday to stretch can make a huge difference in your overall health. So, GIVE IT YOUR BEST STRETCH, and don’t forget to breathe at all times!

For more tips and information, please contact Lori Michiel Fitness through this contact form or call 818-620-1442.

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