Lori Michiel Invited to Lead Warm-Up for an American Diabetes Association Training Walk
by Lori Michiel | Aug 30, 2013
Join Lori Michiel for a preparatory Training Walk in Griffith Park on September 7th. Every first Saturday of the month a group gathers to train for the "Step Out - Walk to Stop Diabetes," and this month Lori is honored to have been invited as a Special Guest to lead...
Thank you to the O’Connells for their Donation to the Arthritis Foundation
by Lori Michiel | Jun 13, 2013
Lori Michiel Fitness extends a huge thanks to students John and Bernice O’Connell for their generous donation to the Arthritis Foundation! The O’Connells take part in Lori’s Keep it Moving class held at The Village at Northridge. The class is a part of the Arthritis...
Lori featured in the Pasadena Village Newsletter
by Lori Michiel | Mar 11, 2013
Many thanks to Pasadena Village for discussing Lori's workshop and highlighting it in their March 2013 newsletter. The workshop featured a discussion balance and muscle strengthening exercises for their senior residents. Also discussed was the importance of good...
Keep it Moving with Lori and the Village at Northridge
by Lori Michiel | Feb 8, 2013
Lori Michiel Fitness teaches one of the Keep it Moving classes hosted by the Village at Northridge. The classes are part of the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program, which designed specifically for people with arthritis and uses gentle activities to help increase...
Suddenly 65
by Lori Michiel | Mar 29, 2012
Max Izenberg graciously mentioned me in her premier newsletter of Suddenly65. Max has started a website/newsletter dedicated to active, social seniors in the greater Los Angeles area. Visit her website, and sign up for her newsletter.
Special Presentation: Calling all Caregivers
by Lori Michiel | Feb 15, 2012
Lori Michiel, with Dr. Paul Block, presented a lecture about heart health at Silverado Senior Living in Calabasas. Participants were eligible for one CEU credit for Social Work and Nursing.
The Thousand Oaks City Council on Aging presents Lori Michiel
by Lori Michiel | Jan 5, 2012
On January 4th, I had the pleasure of being the guest speaker at the Thousand Oaks City Council on Aging. What a wonderful group! I had a great time. See the entire meeting, including my presentation at:
If you …
University Village Welcomes Lori Michiel
by Lori Michiel | Nov 4, 2011
University Village published a profile of Lori in their November 2008 newsletter.
“Lori Michiel brings a surprising resumé to her position as a fitness class instructor. Were you aware that she has been a New York stock broker and then …
Daily News Business Profile
by Lori Michiel | Sep 30, 2011
Lori was featured in the Daily News Business Section on October 15, 2008. For the full article, click here.…
Kind Words from our Clients
Sheri L.
- Sheri L.
- Sheri L.
Thank you so much for your patience, persistence and passion in serving clients like my mother. You and Kim are amazing.
Blessings, Grace
Charles Savinar
- Charles Savinar
I am glad that you had the chance to see how I have prospered under the tutelage of your trainer. She has been such a genuine part of my recovery and has become a wonderful friend.
To the both of you, I say take a bow for a job well done.
Love ❤️
Lori's principles of dynamic stretching revolutionized the way I approach stretching. I've seen a great increase in flexibility and have even built additional strength using her techniques.
- Mary
- Mary
Thank you! Linda is proof that the right medication plus the right exercise can create miracles!
- B
Jersey John
You're can pivot in a moment's flash... if you could bottle that productivity and sell it to seniors you could buy California, despite the fact that you already help many people and make their lives better!! Stay YOU!!!
Love, Jersey John
– Rolanda
– Rolanda
- Tristan
- Rebecca
Warm hugs,
– Jackie
– Jackie
My struggle area right now, Lori!
You are such a blessing and like your sign in the video in the background, I do 'give thanks' for you and your dedication to all of us who are trying to do the best we can with our matter where we are and at what stage of health we are in!
Love your heart to serve, my friend!
- Deb M.
- D.P.
Steven A. Vasilev
- JL
- Mary
- Deb
Susan M.
- Susan M.
Blessings, Fabiola, Personal Trainer
- Elena, Teacher
- Julie
Judi G.
Lori and her team provide personal training for my elderly mother who has Alzheimer's and dementia, as part of her overall care. They customized a program addressing her needs, including balance and mobility. She really likes her two trainers and looks forward to her sessions. I highly recommend Lori Michiel Fitness!
- Judi G.
- Judi G.
Ms. Dailey
Lori, I can't tell you how lucky I feel to have found you. What a gift your work is to the senior community.
- Ms. Dailey
Rhonda Davidson-Schachter
- Rhonda Davidson-Schachter (from Facebook Reviews)
I am very thankful for finding you and for your willingness to work with me! You are a wonderful person and I appreciate you very much.
- Pam
- Pam
- Nancy
Ellie Trope
- Ellie Trope (from Facebook Reviews)
Rene Russo
Your fitness program has really helped my mom!! I saw her this week and she is stronger and her balance has really improved. She got up from her chair so much easier!!!
Best news, she's very happy that she started working out and she adores Sam and Rita.She actually looks forward to it.
It's great to have a job that makes a difference in people’s lives. What a blessing you have been to all of us. Thank you so so much for all you do.
Best wishes to you for a beautiful new year.
Rene Russo, Actor
Rene Russo, Actor
- Tammy
Beth Trainer
- Beth (from Facebook Reviews)
Barb Weitzberg
– Barb Weitzberg
Thanks for all of your support and understanding. As I said on the phone, you are terrific!
Best wishes,
Julie Pearlman Snyder
- Julie Pearlman Snyder (from Facebook Reviews)
Cameron Edward Benton
- Cameron Edward Benton