We proudly serve families from Santa Barbara to Newport Beach | Connect with Lori | (818) 620-1442 |     

Lori Michiel Fitness ConsultationPersonal Consultations with Lori

While all new clients meet us by phone prior to signing up, many times prospective clients and their families have more detailed questions about individual health conditions, fitness strategies and unique circumstances that merit a more in-depth consultation with Lori Michiel. In response to overwhelming interest from seniors and their families, Lori offers private phone or Zoom consultations by appointment only. Please click here to arrange a consultation with Lori.

Peace of Mind That Works with Your Schedule

With more than 25 years of experience in fitness, senior health care and hospice, Lori brings significant knowledge and experience to every private consultation.

Once your consultation is scheduled, Lori will send you a detailed questionnaire to find out more information about you or your loved one so she can prepare for your meeting.

Real Experience and Practical Advice…Just a Phone Call Away

Whether you’re looking for help on the best fitness program for your loved one with dementia or want to find out the ways your Parkinson’s diagnosis can be improved with a Lori Michiel Fitness exercise program, Lori can schedule a single session, or even multiple meetings, by phone or Zoom as you request. No further commitment is required beyond the fee for this 45-minute appointment. You may choose to involve one or more family members or caregivers in this consultation.

If you’re concerned about how best to proceed with your fitness plans or want the right exercise strategy for your loved one, Lori has helped hundreds of older adults find meaningful, healthier lives with the right fitness program for their age, health and medical profile. After all, exercise for senior adults is about far more than physical health. It’s about helping someone live their best life, at any age or with any diagnosis.

It All Begins With a Consultation with Lori

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